Git Reference

Set global configuration (only needs to be done once per machine):

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "you@some.domain"
git config --global color.ui "auto"
git config --global core.editor "your_editor"

Initialize the current working directory as a repository:

git init

Display the status of the repository:

git status

Add specific files to the staging area:

git add filename_1 filename_2

Add all modified files in the current directory and its sub-directories to the staging area:

git add -A .

Commit changes in the staging area to the repository's history: (Without -m and a message, this command runs a text editor.)

git commit -m "Some message"

View the history of the repository:

git log

Display differences between the current state of the repository and the last saved state:

git diff

Display differences between the current state of a particular file and the last saved state:

git diff path/to/file

Display differences between the last saved state and what's in the staging area:

git diff --staged

Compare files to the previously saved state:

git diff HEAD~1 path/to/file

Compare files to an earlier saved state:

git diff HEAD~27 path/to/file

Compare files to a specific earlier state:

git diff 123456 path/to/file

Erase changes since the last save:

git reset --hard HEAD

Restore file to its state in a previous revision:

git checkout 123456 path/to/file

Add a remote to a repository:

git remote add nickname remote_specification

Display a repository's remotes:

git remote -v

Push changes from a local repository to a remote (assuming master already exists in the remote):

git push nickname master

Push changes from a local repository to a remote (if master doesn't yet exist in the remote):

git push -u nickname master

Pull changes from a remote repoisitory:

git pull nickname master

Note: master may be replaced with another branch name by more advanced users.

Clone a remote repository:

git clone remote_specification

Markers used to show conflict in a file during a merge:

<<<<<<< HEAD
lines from local file
lines from remote file
>>>>>>> 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678

Readings of possible interest: